Career Advisor

Career Advisor

For many people, the solution to their career challenge is to change job. They choose to keep the same profession but move to a different company. Instead. However, a complete career change is just as common these days. As a career advice service, Career Consultants help people who want to go it alone or try something new. With a team of experienced business consultants working alongside our trained career consultants, we can explore with you whichever career path you prefer.

We will make an honest career assessment and provide practical career change advice. Career Consultants can also coach you on ways to fast track and develop your career. So, if you feel that you are the next Lord Sugar and are considering becoming an entrepreneur or you want to secure a managerial job, just fill in the box below with your details and we will provide you with suitable professional career advice.

If you are thinking of working in India and are serious about the move, also feel free to contact us. It is great place to work but as every Indian will tell you, it is expensive to reside there. So as long as you have done your sums, do contact us and we will help you.